7 Reasons Why Graphic Design Is Important For Any Business

February 28, 2022 Written by Abby Kury

Picture this: you have the most fantastic idea coupled with the best business model in the entire world, and you’re about to present this idea to some very important people.

You’ve got it all figured out. The pitch, the projected sales report, reasons this would be the most successful business ever, and so on and so forth.

You’re confident that this will take off, that the idea itself will shine through and make up for the less-than-impressive visuals you have to accompany your presentation.

Unfortunately, the VIPs reject your idea, despite complimenting the ingenuity of it all simply because “it does not look the part.”

Despite how gut-wrenching this is to hear, it is the cold, hard truth and reality. Imagine if Apple didn’t come up with such a fantastic brand identity and spectacular style guide. Or if Starbucks didn’t pay so much attention to their logo.

image 2 Image: Design Hill

Would they have been able to go as far as they did? Absolutely not! This just goes to show the sheer importance of graphic design for any business – not only for its brand identity as a whole but for its success as well.

Let’s take a look at the many different things your business needs to even kick-off (which really need graphic design services), for starters.

Which aspects of your business need graphic design?

Remember we mentioned earlier about brilliant ideas and flawless business models? Well, these certainly need to be thought about before your business comes into fruition (wherever relevant to your business):

  • Logo

Notably one of the most important aspects of your business or brand identity is your logo. A logo – and not just any logo, but a really good one – helps to establish credibility, create brand recognition and position your company within the marketplace or industry of your choice.

While there isn’t a limit to your creativity when it comes to creating the perfect logo, you do need to pay attention to certain things, like the colour palette.

The colours you choose for your brand will determine how the public and your audience will perceive or interpret your business. This is where colour theory comes to play, as certain colours have the ability to sway thoughts and even evoke emotions – so choose carefully!

  • Advertising

Unless your product is truly one-of-a-kind and out-of-this-world, the marketplace remains tough and competitive. This means that you’ll need to work extra hard to get your brand to stand out – especially through advertising.

You wouldn’t want to put in half an effort and risk being treated as unnecessary noise, or worse, dubbed as a bad advertisement!

  • Website

The whole point of your brand, company or business’ website is to attract, engage and convert visitors and customers. This is why designing should be taken seriously when building and developing your website.

Clear visuals should be able to elegantly point out what the message is, as well as the call to action. Hence, you should put a lot of emphasis on the whole user experience and design decisions that would facilitate this.

  • Sales collateral

If your business would like to utilise brochures or catalogues and other forms of sales collateral, graphic design is of crucial importance here.

After all, it’s not just a matter of printing out a bunch of services along with their respective prices. It’s about the typography, imagery and other sorts of formatting that only a graphic design expert will be able to tell you about.
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  • Marketing collateral

Another thing that will directly contribute to a business's success is its marketing campaigns – for which you’ll need the right collateral.

But where collateral is concerned, one must remember to be consistent. The best example of this is Apple, as they have successfully allowed customers and clients to get familiar with the brand.

Familiarity leads to both credibility and confidence, making it easier for you to continually build a strong relationship with existing and potential customers.

  • Social media graphics

The first thing anyone does about anything these days is to check out a company, person or business’ social media pages. So, if you’re guilty of not updating your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and others, this is an official sign that you should get to it.

Be sure to use consistent and branded graphics that tie to your brand as a whole, to further emphasise a cohesive brand identity. This also minimises the risk of your brand being categorised as “one of the many” and drowned by other similar businesses.

  • Presentations

Long gone are the days when potential clients, shareholders and investors would be impressed with a simple PowerPoint presentation. These days, an impressive presentation can actually be your secret weapon, especially when coupled with powerful verbal delivery.

Tell your story with enticing graphics, as this will definitely help with the sell. Never underestimate the power of a well-designed presentation!

  • Packaging design

If your brand, business or company deals with products, this has to be a top priority. Customers shop with their eyes, so your packaging design has to be top-notch. Be sure to run through your ideas with experienced graphic designers so they can help you tune your visual idea to fit your target audience’s tastes, wants and aesthetics.

After all, you would want your product to stand out on the shelves, right?

What are the benefits that graphic design can offer your business?
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Image: Pexels

By now, it’s clear that every business needs graphic design one way or another. But just to reiterate, here are some of the benefits:

  •  It lends credibility

Imagine landing on an Instagram page whose posts just looks different each time. Despite how amazing your content may be, newcomers might be turned off by this seemingly random combination of graphics that are on your social media profile.

With a unified aesthetic in mind, your brand will look authoritative, consistent and most importantly, credible.

  • It communicates your ideas better

There is power in words, of course, but the modern audience is most likely to skim over things – which is why you need to take advantage of that by combining visuals with text.

As you know, humans are heavily influenced by visuals, so utilising graphic design in any aspect of your business will help with sending the right message to the right target audience.

  • It helps you stand out from the competition

The more creative you get, the fewer competitions you’ll have to worry about!

Again, Apple comes in as the most relatable example here: imagine if they didn’t have such powerful visuals and brand identity to back them up – will they really be able to match up to other powerhouses in the same industry?

  • It increases sales and engagement

As a business owner, your goals generally include selling more of your products or services and attracting more customers. Graphic design can help you get there, as with it, you’ll be able to stand out from other companies through advertising, social media, ads and more.

  • It lays the foundation for branding strategy

Graphic design can help to shape the “voice” of your brand, allowing for a more consistent and cohesive style throughout all the available avenues. This means that everything from your business cards to company T-shirts will have a unique, memorable identity that can be easily recognised by others.

  • It enhances the user’s experience and journey

Whether on print or digital, graphic design can convert big blocks of content into interesting graphics or images, making it easier to pass the message on. This way, you can get your customers or viewers to really pay attention to your company or product.

  • It gives a positive first impression

Last but not least, this is definitely the most important point. The average customer has a mere few seconds to decide on whether they should pay attention to you, regardless of where they see you. It could be a website, a logo or a random brochure they just happened to get, so make sure it counts!

Help your business reap the benefits of graphic design with Brandripe
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Image: Brandripe

If there’s one thing and only one thing you can take away from this entire article, let it be this: invest in a professional graphic design service.

You may argue that someone you know or even a current employer is somewhat savvy when it comes to design, but hiring actual professional graphic designers will make miles of a difference when it comes to brand visibility.

Brandripe is a trusted graphic design service that will help you design everything you need for your brand, business or company with a marketing- and visual-centric perspective.

We ensure that everything we produce for you is not only visually appealing but also aligned with your goals. What’s more is that we offer unlimited requests and revisions, on top of a guaranteed 24 to 48 hour turnaround time – all without any contracts or hidden costs.

Find out more by scheduling a no-obligation 15-minute VIP Demo Call with us, or emailing us at hi@brandripe.com.


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